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What is the availability of the U15?

This is variable because of shipping, but expect 12-14 months from when you pay the deposit.

What is the cost of a Phoenix?

Expect to pay from 230,000 USD, for a basic Phoenix. This cost is variable depending on the currency exchange, shipping cost is separate.

What is the glide ratio (L/D)?

32:1 with the 15-meter wings, 20:1 with the 11 meter wings.

Does the Phoenix come with a ballistic recovery chute?

A ballistic parachute comes standard.

Is the propeller featherable?

Yes, the prop is fully featherable, and controlled by a unique hydraulic system.

What hangar size is required?

The Phoenix with its wing tips removed has a 34′ wingspan, so most T hangars will suffice.

Where can I see a Phoenix, have a demonstration flight, and/or receive training?

You can visit me here in Colorado (KLMO), or Jim Lee in Nevada (MEV) to view and get training for your private glider rating and/or launch endorsement. There will be more locations in the near future.

What advantages are there to getting my glider rating VS light sport rating?

When you receive your glider rating, you can take advantage of being able to fly without medical (self-approval), and you can fly to 18,000′ or higher, and fly at night. With a light sport license, you are restricted to 10,000′ (2,000′ above obstacles), and you are restricted from night flying.

What engines are available for the Phoenix?

The Rotax 912UL(80 HP), and the 912 ULS(100 HP)

What range can I expect from the Phoenix?

900 miles on average, depending on cruise speed, and engine.

How do I get my Phoenix serviced/repaired?

There is a network of authorized Rotax mechanics throughout the US, and most A&P’s can do maintenance on the airframe. For specialized carbon fiber repair, please contact Phoenix Air USA.

Where can I get Phoenix U-15 parts?
Can you tow gliders with the Phoenix?

Equipped with the Rotax 912ULS, the Phoenix makes a great tow plane and is an option from the factory.

Is ADS-B included?

No, ADS-B is an option.

Can I design my own instrument panel?

Yes, to an extent. Contact me for further information.

Is there a trailer available for the Phoenix?

Yes, Avionic in Poland makes a trailer specifically designed for the Phoenix. It can be delivered to the JMB factory where your U-15 will be loaded and delivered to a seaport for final delivery.

How long will it take to get my glider rating?

For an Add on Rating, plan to schedule 3-4 days of training and then a check ride from the DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner) – no written test is required.  While FAA only requires 10 hours of flight training, most new students require closer to 20 hours.  Plan to train for 10 days including ground school and passing the required written exam, then take check ride with DPE.  Note:  training will take twice as long or more if you are flying in towed or ground launch sailplanes. 

Do I need a medical to fly a glider/motorglider?

No, never.  Even if you your medical has been denied, you can still fly a glider/motorglider, and even get a glider flight instructor rating.  Naturally, every pilot is responsible for ensuring that they are fit and safe to fly before each flight, but that is up to the pilot to decide.

How much does it cost to become a glider pilot?

For Ab initio (new students without a pilot rating) expect to pay $4,500 to $6,000.  If you are already an airplane pilot PPL or Sport Pilot, expect to spend a total of $2,000 – $3,500 for an “add on rating.” Of course these prices are variable depending on the flight school, and the location.

Does my glider flight time count towards other ratings?

Yes, most hours count toward hours required for Airplane ratings, i.e., theoretically, one could get a glider rating in 10 hours, complete Commercial Glider and CFI Glider ratings within 37 total hours, and they could then fly 3 hours in an airplane with a CFI Airplane – under the hood, cross country, at night – and would be eligible to take the checkride for their PPL Airplane Rating (as long as they were at least 17 years of age).  Note:  PPG ratings can be attained at age 16.

Can I get an instrument rating in a glider/motorglider?

No, credited Instrument Training must be accomplished in an Airplane.

Can I fly a glider/motorglider into IMC?

Yes, if you are instrument rated, current, and have a glider which complies with 14 CFR 125-205.

Do I need a tailwheel endorsement to fly a glider/motorglider?

No, unlike airplanes, you do not need an endorsement for tailwheel gliders, but you definitely should have extra training as all tailwheel aircraft require more finesse than do tricycle gear aircraft.  

If you have additional questions about the Phoenix U15 Motorglider, please contact us


[email protected]
